Juneau 8/20

Alaska - 2016/08/20

Arrival in Juneau, Alaska

  • Booked on a tour of the Medenhall Glacier
  • We then plan to visit the Red Dog Saloon and Take  the tramway up Mt Robert.

Its going to be a full day of out door activities!

Details: tour bus was 45 minutes late picking us up at the dock so we missed a lot of time at the glacier site, however, we did get some colourful commentary from our bus driver, that made up a little of the disappointment.
Once we arrived at the glacier site, the view was magnificent, but tinged with sadness as well, when you realize how much it has receded in the past ten years.
We also observed the Chinook salmon run up the nearby creek and were told bears could appear at any time to play their part in the migration process.
We returned back to town by bus to experience a very disappointing salmon bake which had promised much, but delivered little for the money spent.
Our next stop was the infamous Red Dog Cafe to partake in the local drink know as a "Duck Fart" (kalua, baileys, and crown royal) which was quite good! Strong but tasty; washed down with a local Alaskan amber ale and crab cakes.
We planned finish our outing atop Mt. Robert, by taking a vertical tram car up 3800 feet to the peak where views of the Juneau valley were breathtaking! While there, we enjoyed an excellent musical, visual and informative presentation by a gifted guitarist singer/songwriter.

We ended the day on the Lido deck with pastries and macchiatos.